WTS-LA Professional Development Workshop

In July 2016, six WTS-LA members from the University of California (USC) and California State University Long Beach attended a WTS-LA half-day professional workshop led by Katie Carr Miller, Principal with Left Lane Advisors. The room was full of transportation professionals and the workshop focused on:

  • Expanding Self-Awareness
  • Building Your Network
  • Developing Skills for Public Speaking

The event was geared towards both professionals and students. It was an interactive, introspective, educational and fun way of learning tools for effective public speaking. Participants also learned about designing an effective elevator pitch, strategies for successful networking, and innovative practices for building relationships.
-Biying Zhao, USC Student & WTS-LA Student Member

The day started out with an introduction to “DiSC”, a behavioral assessment tool based on four different behavioral traits: dominance (D), influence (I), steadiness (S), and conscience (C). Through this exercise, participants were able to understand varying personalities and work styles, and gain insight on how to approach each different type of personality to build more meaningful connections and interactions with their co-workers and clients.

Each person walked away with a stronger toolkit to take their careers to the next level through communicating, power connecting, and presenting in a meaningful way.

Photos by John Livzey

Interested in having Katie facilitate a similar workshop for your organization?