We understand that every organization, be it a public agency, private company or non-profit, is unique, and one size does not fit all. One of our key differentiators is being able to align your unique needs with proven best practices. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Learn from both our 35+ years of experience in building and sustaining organization and advising many others as they navigate today’s challenging environment.

Executive Coaching

Developing leaders must be priority #1.


Community Based Organization Advisory Services

Building trust through collaborative planning.

Strategic Plan Development

Hope is not a strategy.

Ownership Transition

Positioning your organization to continue to prosper in the years ahead.


Leadership Succession

At any level and any type of organization, there is no success without succession.


Knowledge Management and Communications

Power is gained by sharing knowledge, not hoarding it.


Career Development Programs

If we don't develop our staff, who will?



Contact Us

We also advise on strategies related to:

– mergers and acquisitions
– effective employee review strategies
– empowering employees to improve your business
– IT plans/budgets
– project accounting

Interested in learning more?

  A Fehr & Peers Company